Do I Need Career and Life Coaching?

“Don’t need coaching. I’m doing just fine.”

That may be what you’re thinking; day in, day out.

But work takes up a large part of our lives. Maybe you’re unsatisfied in some way. Where do you see yourself going? Does thinking of the future make you nervous? Does it make you excited? Maybe you don’t worry – you’re confident. Maybe you have doubts. The thing is, it doesn’t matter – just about everyone could use coaching.

There may be a misconception, even a negative stigma, attached to the idea of coaching, but it simply isn’t valid. There doesn’t have to be anything wrong with you to want coaching, and there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging insecurities either. If anything, the latter shows a knowledge of self-awareness. Self-coaching can help you further your job, your career, and even your life goals.

Here are just some of the ways it can really help you.

1. On the outside looking in

A lot of thought and communication goes on in any workplace. There’s your brain and your thoughts, the way you externalize those thoughts (or communicate), and then the way that the others around you interpret your message. In an international workplace in a globalized world, language barriers can obstruct your message even further, not to mention all the obstacles in a daily, busy workplace with people used to you.

So imagine if you had a third party to evaluate you, an objective voice, trained to understand people. Coaching can help you get achieve a more realistic evaluation, and at the very least, externalize some of your most internal feelings without fear of rejection.

2. Achieving awareness and improvement

There is an aspect of modern culture that disapproves of seeking help. It can be pretty individualistic, and the pressure is there to help yourself. Taking the plunge into coaching is a step signaling that you want to better yourself, which is something one should always want to do. A step further in realizing the process of self-actualization, or becoming self-aware in a deeper way.

In a lot of ways realizing these things is the first step, but it is also the most important. It’s hard to acknowledge flaws in oneself, and even harder to admit them to another person, or having that person see them in you, but you just have to remember, that, much like going to the gym, you’re there to get better, and there is no weakness in it.

This needn’t be an abstract goal either – self-awareness can lead to realizing what your passions are, and can even lead to tangible career improvement, such as bettering your personal brand in a more “you”, creative way, or even changing career paths to something better suited for you. It’s never too late to change or to start.

3. Develop a global vision and an end goal

This is the most important point of all. What is your end goal? Human beings need some sort of goal, whether professionally, artistically, or personally. Because a balance between the two is truly required to flourish. You need to be happy to work well, and you need to love your work in order to be happy.

Like everything in life, it’s a balance, and to achieve that true end goal – where you’re heading in your life, your career – a coach can act as your mirror, make you examine yourself and find a new self-image, and set you on the path to achieve something more.